
Police, fire departments, emergency response agencies.

To preserve the peace, enforce the law, prevent and detect crime, and protect life and property.
Central Peninsula Rehabilitation Services provide a wide range of programs and services to meet b...
Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in th...
The Kenai Fire Department is dedicated to safeguarding the lives, property, and environment of ou...
Our mission, together with the community of Kenai, is to make our city a place where all people l...
Our mission, together with the community of Kenai, is to make our city a place where all people l...
Public health nursing plays a major role in infectious disease surveillance and investigation. We...
Working toward a united effort with Native organizations and other governments that affect our pe...
Our first priority is compassionate care. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us t...
Our first priority is compassionate care. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us t...
Showing 10 results